- Like in the rest of the forum, English is the main language to use here.
- This is the Counter-Strike 1.6 related section, so don't submit offtopic threads and posts.
- Avoid posting contents that can be considerated offensive.
- Use the search function before posting, if you're not sure if
someone else posted something similar to what you are going to post.
- Showing your racist way of thinking same as directly racism is forbidden.
- Respect other members, same as their opinion.
- Swearing, flaming or other kinds of offence is strongly restriced here.
- Don't spam (much) and avoid submiting useless posts such as "lol" ; "ok".
- In general, all members should be civilized and respectful.
- Avoid reposting the same threads over and over.
- Any problems encountered can be reported in the Support subsection and not on the 1.6 main section.
- Once again, Post Counter-Strike only related items.
Thank you,
kMaClub! Admin