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    Game's unreal graphic still hit worldwide


    Posts : 67
    Join date : 2009-09-08
    Location : Area 51

    Game's unreal  graphic still hit worldwide Empty Game's unreal graphic still hit worldwide

    Post  Jonnyhulk Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:39 pm

    A gun being sprayed at opponent,sometimes NOT even a
    single bullet get shot instead it is recommended to have single shot to
    reduce recoil.Although it is not realistic,still competition is holding
    this game in inter-nation professional leagues hosted for almost a
    decade,still great prizes.The Chinese government has used Counter-Strike as a tool for tactical training.

    Since early of the century,retail sales of the Counter-Strike franchise have reached by December 2008

    • Counter-Strike: 4.2 million
    • Counter-Strike Condition Zero: 2.9 million
    • Counter-Strike Source: 2.1 million

    It uses Valve's Half-Life game engine,you remembering this?
    Game's unreal  graphic still hit worldwide 190479-valve_head2_super OR this new one
    Game's unreal  graphic still hit worldwide 1049400-valve_logo_super

    The legacy continues,a base developer to FPS games and it requires of
    course only low-system and noob graphic card that would be possible to
    play on.All hail the legendary Sierra and Valve Corp.

    >>>Download Here<<< if you are interested!(CS 1.6 Protocol 47 and 48)

    Thank you.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:27 pm